الخميس، 21 مايو 2009

Rami Salah Sobhi Sami

Rami Salah Sobhi Sami


رامي صلاح صبحي سامي

* * *

Permanent Member in The Wisemen Council - Board)
of Sami Family Group-Oasis)
Date of birth :................... (Lebanese)

Position : Dentist طبيب أسنان

Facebook member : Yes
Face book Address : Rami Salaheddine Sami
To access Facebook from here :
His wife : Mirna Gemawi (Lebanese)

- D.O.B : 13.04.1983

- Position : Staff nurse


His sons : Salah D.O.B : 04 Feb. 2010


His daughters :

- Dana - D.O.B :.........


Go back to detailed Biographies Index: http://samifamilypooldetails.blogspot.com/

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